Breast Cancer Awareness Beauty Products
We’re a week into Breast Cancer Awareness month, a time when all things go pink in honor of finding a cure for a disease that takes too many, too often, too soon. Not all pink product purchases are created equal so I’ve chosen 5 with a charitable giving element that is substantial enough and worthwhile.
The It Cosmetics brushes are some of my favorite ones so if you need a new foundation brush, this one is heart-shaped and sweet.
Giving: A Love Beauty Fully™ brush for each one sold to Look Good Feel Better.
Becca pretty much has highlighters on lock and Opal is an almost universally flattering shade that most can wear.
Giving: $8 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
I put this on every single night before bed, without fail. Seriously. I never, ever skip it.
Giving: $5 towards cruelty-free research through the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
I love that Sigma makes pro-quality brushes in the United States for affordable prices. This set includes 3 eye brushes and a travel bag.
Giving: 20% of sales to the organization, Bright Pink.
5. Kush Queen Bath Bomb
I’m into bath bombs and CBD so this combines both for a good cause, no less.
Giving: 10% of the purchase price to the BeYOUtiful Foundation
I hope this post has been helpful if you’ve been considering purchasing some BCA products.
More importantly, if you are going through breast cancer right now, or someone you love is, please know how badly my heart hurts for you. It’s not fair. You have every right to be angry, bitter, confused, angry again. I love you💗
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