Pretty Halloween Makeup | Snapchat Butterfly Filter

My first Halloween makeup tutorial of 2016 involves  gold spray paint, gold glitter, butterflies and a whole lotta highlight. You really can’t go wrong. For the girl who has dreamt of the butterfly Snapchat filter IRL, I’m granting your wish. This Halloween makeup look is fairly simple to do, will make you feel pretty and will trip people out when you layer the actual filter on top of the real life one.img_7766You’ll have to DIY the crown, unless you have better Etsy searching skills than I do. I purchased everything to create it at Hobby Lobby but you could likely find things at your local craft store too.

You will need
Gold jewelry wire
6 faux butterflies

Krylon 18kt gold spray paint
Gold glitter

  1. You will create a U-shape with the wire, twisting 3 different lengths of wire together. The ends should have 3 prongs each.
  2. Spray paint the front and backs of your butterflies, as well as their wires, gold.
  3. Sprinkle gold glitter on them before the paint dries.
  4. Once the butterflies are completely dry, use their wires to attach to the ends of your U-shaped crown. The easiest way to do this is to form a small loop on the end of your crown, thread the butterfly’s wire through it and then wrap the excess down the length of the wire. This will also help to reinforce it.
  5. To put on, lead your head down and pin the back of the crown to your head first. Then begin securing the sides with bobby pins.

img_7780For the makeup

Anastasia Beverly Hills Highlighting Duo Pencil
Josie Maran Argan Enlightenment Illuminizer
Sonia Kashuk Chic Defining Contour Stick
Nyx Cosmetics Face and Body Glitter
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed


Now grab your 3 best pals and go as the Snapchat deer, flower crown, butterfly crown and puking rainbow! Have fun, be safe, glow on.

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