My Scheming Blackhead Mask Review

I’ve had blackheads as long as Gwen Stefani has been performing. I’ve had them since Leonardo DiCaprio’s film career kicked off. I’ve tried removing blackheads via pore strips, exfoliators, peels and of course, DIY extraction. They are never fully gone and they always come back. Literally the black plague. When I began seeing videos of the My Scheming Blackhead Removal Mask, I knew I had to have it. I’ve never ordered something via Amazon Prime so fast in my life. If I’m not the perfect candidate to test it, who is? Well, I made my brother try it too 🙂 Here is how it looks on him!my-scheming-mask


Here is what’s inside the box. From left: sebum softener, actual mask, finishing step.


Watch the video below to see how it went for me. I’d love to know if you’ve tried it!

So now that you’ve seen my skin up close and personal, are you going to try this mask for yourself? Thanks for hanging out with me!


  1. Serein

    04/05/2016 at 12:03 AM

    Okay I’m intrigued. Need to watch the video asap!
    Great post Ivy

  2. Ashley

    04/05/2016 at 9:31 AM

    SUCH a bummer this didn’t work for you- arghhh, I hate it when that happens. A total let-down!

    Le Stylo Rouge

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