Best Deals of the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty Sale 2021
With a robust rewards program, an impressive brand portfolio that is constantly expanding and locations within 800 Target stores in the next few years, Ulta, you’re doing amazing, sweetie.👏👏👏
Every year, Ulta continues to impress with their , offering 21 days of excellent products for half off. These are the 10 best days to shop this year’s .
Monday 8/30
This is my absolute favorite lightweight complexion product and I’m definitely stocking up. You should too. I first mentioned this product HERE.
Tuesday, 8/31

Full disclosure-I haven’t tried this. However, I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews, have enjoyed other products from the brand and at half off? There’s no better time to try it.
Thursday, 9/2

These are my favorite under eye gels that I never splurge on because they’re pricy. Not today!
Friday, 9/3

If you’ve been wanting to try magnetic lashes, get these. I actually found this brand and particular style easy to apply and surprisingly comfortable on. See my original review HERE.
Sunday, 9/5

Everyone needs a beautyblender. Everyone needs a $10 beautyblender! Not convinced yet? Watch THIS VIDEO.
Thursday, 9/9

You want SPF protection and a pore and line minimizing primer, from a tried-and-true household name, for half off? This primer is where it’s at. You can read more of my thoughts on this product HERE.
Friday, 9/10

This is one of my all time faves for being a well-rounded, just overall great mascaras. This is drugstore pricing so you have to try it.
Saturday, 9/11

It Cosmetics brushes for Ulta are some of the best I’ve tried so I try to grab them whenever they’re half off like this.
Tuesday, 9/14

LORAC is underrated and sadly overlooked because their pro palettes are some of the very best. I like this half and half format of matte and shimmers.
Wednesday, 9/15

I want glow but I also want my my makeup to stay put in the hot ass Iowa humidity. Urban Decay has got setting sprays on lock and I can’t imagine the Ultra Glow being anything but amazing. *adds to cart.
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